Breaking Down the Concept of Natty....
First, when we say "Natty" we mean natural, healthy, and holistic. No, we are not a bunch of hippies promoting organic foods that make you feel like you are eating birdseed!
In 2008, I started the venturing into other cultures for easy low cost, nutritious staples. Today, my son and I are both 224lbs+ lighter combined. I have been touched and inspired by a growing outreach for my recipes and weight-loss techniques (that did not involve much exercise, but I am determined to form a love affair with it).
As I previously stated, Natty Queens is the parent company with main focus is to provide consultation services geared toward life-style restructuring. We want to help transform you to a natural way of thinking and living that fosters that busy on the go lifestyle without taking away from the healthy balance needed for longevity. The process starts from a simple decision. “I want to live better, feel better, and eat better!” From that simple statement we assist in developing a list of goals and steps to achieve these goals. We get down to the starting point of poor eating habits, i.e. emotional, finance, lack of knowledge, physical, or convenience. By breaking down the cause and addressing your options we adopt a customize culture for the individual that is best for you. It eliminates the work aspect of natural healthy living.
Please be on the lookout for changes on our website that will feature women and young ladies that embody what we see a Natty Queen to be... she is that single mother that her hands full raising a family while trying to be true to herself, she is that business woman fighting the good fight in a male dominated world, she is a wife trying to balance the business of marriage, household, and workforce, or she is that young teenager or college student that is navigating through the journey that is her identity, trying to learn the ways of a virtuous woman. These women speak to our hearts every day, they don't have time to stop and breathe let alone take care of themselves they way they deserve. Everything has to be quick and effortless, but at the same time effective! Natty Queens will be that resource for these women... We will provide easy fuss free ways to get through the day so they can have that peace of mind.
Information and Inspiration is the key to healthy living and the Natty Experience.