Soup Juice Full Detox Package
Smoothie & Soup Detox 4 Day Kickstart:
64oz Container of Natty Emerald Juice Detox Smoothie
8 oz twice a day (12 oz for Men)
-1 8oz serving in the morning for breakfast with Milk Thistle, L Arginine & Omega 3 Vitamins
-1 8oz serving after work out
4 days of Flush Soup (2cups for lunch & Dinner)
Cran Water (2 oz of unsweetened cranberry juice to 7 ounces water) consumed with soup.
Bottle of Agave and Turmeric
1 Cup of Detox Tea at bedtime.
Program Instructions & Learning Tools
Package Contents:
64oz Container of Emerald Juice
8~ 2cup portions of Flush Soup
1~32oz bottle of Unsweetened Cranberry Juice
1~ 1ltr of Seltzer Water
1 Box of Yogi Detox tea (16bags)
Turmeric Seasoning
1~23.5oz bottle of Agave
30day supply of Milk Thistle, L-Arginine & Omega3
Portion Control Dinning Tool
Plan Instructions & Learning Tools